Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeLetterCritical Skills List: ‘Vocal’ Motsoaledi has changed his tune

Critical Skills List: ‘Vocal’ Motsoaledi has changed his tune

The SA government’s latest Critical Skills List, which determines the eligibility of applicants for work visas has just been released and it marks an about-face by former Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, writes a reader.

Peter Joseph writes:

There is something of note and interesting in that the honourable Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, after leaving the post of Minister of Health, is now very convinced that the health sector has more than enough doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc to the extent that foreigners are no longer needed since there are plenty of those skills around.

He has decided to create a new Critical Skills List (see below) by the power vested in him as honourable minister of Home Affairs, with all healthcare workers removed from the new list.

As Minister of Health he was so vocal about about implementing National Health Insurance. Now public hospitals are on the verge of collapse with a severe shortage of doctors and nurses, and he does something so counter-productive.

Where is this country heading?

Peter Joseph

New Critical Skills list


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