Saturday, 27 July, 2024


Inaccuracies in article about retraction of Ivermectin study — Aldous

Professor Colleen Aldous of the medical school at the University of KwaZulu-Natal writes that there were inaccuracies in a MedicalBrief article on Ivermectin. Aldous writes: I...

CCSSA and SASA’s rationale against the use of Ivermectin questioned

Dr Nathi Mdladla and Dr Warren Parker respond to the statement issued by the Critical Care Society of Southern Africa (CCSSA) and the South...

UKZN professor challenges Ivermectin expose

Professor Colleen Aldous of the medical school at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, objects to a media “hit piece” on Ivermectin and the politicisation of...

HPCSA registration fees have increased almost 40% in two years

The Health Professions Council has increased annual registration fees by almost 40% in two years and along with the Ombud and Health minister, it continues simply to ignore practitioner complaints,...

Flawed Critical Skills List excludes medical specialists

The latest Critical Skills List released by the Department of Home Affairs last week is notable for the removal of many health care professionals,...

Objection to MedPage Today's 'selective' interpretation of Vitamin C study findings

Correspondent Justin Ward writes that a MedPage Today summation of the CITRIS-ALI study, quoted in MedicalBrief, was selective and calculated to "discredit Professor Paul...

SAHPRA: 'So enraptured with its power and self esteem that it's lost touch'

A more arrogant, condescending and patronising statement than that of SAHPRA's on Ivermectin would be hard put to find, writes Rob Wooding. Wooding writes: I have read...

Ivermectin that is available in SA is 'safe for human use'

Both products containing Ivermectin available in South Africa are safe for human use, writes Dr Egbert Weiss. Weiss writes: There are two products available in our...

Doctors should stand up and fight ‘appalling’ HPCSA

Last week's item in MedicalBrief outlining the seven-year struggle of Swiss surgeon Dr Markus Michel to have his qualifications accepted by the Health Professions...

SA and Namibia medical bodies vie for the laurel crown in incompetence

Dr Michael J Pravetz speculates that there is an Olympiad in which the bureaucrats of medical oversight boards of South Africa and Namibia compete...

University of Kent wants South African input on abortion project

A UK research project into the views of health professionals on abortion access and provision in facilities in South Africa, asks for local input. Sara...

Out on a limb: A plea for help

Good day I read a article in MedicalBrief about a low-cost prosthetic foot that mimics natural walking. In the article it was indicated that Massachusetts...

A simple research resolution to the BCG puzzle?

Griff Hawkins writes: The article: BCG vaccination and reduced morbidity and mortality for COVID-19 — non-peer reviewed US study, published in last week's...

HPCSA's annual registration fee 'tyranny' remains unanswered

Dr Lynette Pretorius raises concerns over the payment of the annual Health Professions Council of SA registration fee, which remain unanswered after several approaches...

Noakes responds to Leaf assessment of dietary study

Tim Noakes responds to last week's assessment by Alex Leaf of his dietary study as 'important', while accusing him of being 'disingenuous' in his...

Diabetes/nutrition trial important but Noakes' statement 'disingenuous'

To the Editor Dr Tim Noakes’ recent study is an important contribution to the scientific literature, as one of the primary issues with any diet...

GEMS defends its newest private hospital option against Solidarity criticism

Phumelela Dhlomo, GEMS chief marketing officer, gives his response to criticism from Morné Malan, senior researcher at the Solidarity Research Institute. Dhlomo writes: On 7 November...

The battle with SA medical schemes over immunotherapy

Despite rulings from the Council of Medical Aid Schemes in favour of Keytruda, medical schemes appear to be doing everything possible to avoid covering...

Nursing negligence in private hospitals

In response to a Stellenbosch University study published in last week's MedicalBrief, Donald Dinnie, CEO of Natmed, says the growth in the number of...

Easing workplace stress demands teamwork

Work stress can only be properly reduced if doctors, nurses and midwives work together, writes Barbara Hanrahan of the University of the Witwatersrand. Hanrahan writes: I read the...

'It's a lie that I promote deferring chemo or radiation'

'I have never advised patients to consider delaying chemo or radiation in favour of a ketogenic diet', writes Marika Sboros, responding to Alastair McAlpine's...

It's nurses and midwives who bear the brunt of stress and burnout

While it is true that doctors carry a burden of care, the people at the coal-face are the nurses and midwives, writes Barbara Hanrahan...

In defence of chiropractic: DUT, Casa and Prof Noakes

The Durban University of Technology, the Chiropractic Association of SA, and Professor Tim Noakes respond to Dr Alastair McAlpine's recent 'unsubstantiated, provocative and highly...

Noakes: I am not anti-vax and McAlpine knows it

In his most recent non-peer reviewed blog post representing his personal opinion masquerading as a “scientific” article, Dr Alastair McAlpine (and his assistant) continues...

60 DRC doctors complain about the lack of intern posts

DRC doctors trying to get intern posts in SA say that they are being discriminated against in favour of local doctors. We wish to inform...

'Critical differences' between Virta and Gardner studies — Noakes

A 'critical difference' between the Virta and Gardner studies was that the food intake of the subjects in the latter study was self reported,...

'End the vilification of the dietetic profession’ — dietician

Ingrid Schloss, a clinical dietitian, responds to Professor Tim Noakes's letter, Virta Health study vindicates Banting, and draws attention to 'a much larger, well powered...

Virta Health study vindicates Banting — Noakes

Every month another 15 000 South Africans develop type-2 diabetes, writes Professor Tim Noakes in a letter. The Virta Health study proves that this...

McAlpine and Noakes were treated 'equally fairly'

MedicalBrief was right not be 'bullied' by Professor Tim Noakes on the issue of withdrawing Dr Alastair's Digital Clubbing column, writes a counselling psychologist...

SA milk banks have been operating for years

Jenny Wright, CEO of Milk Matters, writes that MedicalBrief's headline 'First four milk banks in Africa now operational' is misleading and inaccurate. She writes: These four...

OTC personal amplifier research was flawed – SAAA

Natalie Buttress, co-chairperson of the Ethics and Standards Committee of the SA Association of Audiologists, writes that a recent study on the performance of...

SA's 'forgotten' medical students in China

My son is based in China studying medicine and wants to return to South Africa after completion of his studies in 2019. Is there any...

FGM cannot be accepted but traditional circumcision causes death and mutilation

Dear Editor Thank you for your weekly newsletter. I have found something interesting and applicable to my practice in every one. Regarding the article “Doctor faces...

A heads-up: Struggling with HPCSA's online renewal system

I’ve been having trouble with the Health Professions Council of SA's online renewal system. It would not accept my identification number. I then discovered they...

HPCSA's Letlape challenged on public health care pre-1994

The crude statement by the Health Professions Council of SA’s Dr Tebogo Letlape that medical aid schemes are a ‘crime against humanity’, should be...