Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeLetterDoctors should stand up and fight ‘appalling’ HPCSA

Doctors should stand up and fight ‘appalling’ HPCSA

Last week's item in MedicalBrief outlining the seven-year struggle of Swiss surgeon Dr Markus Michel to have his qualifications accepted by the Health Professions Council of SA is evidence that the entire executive council should be dismissed, writes Dr Charles Hurwitz from Johannesburg.

He writes:

They are useless and a disgrace to the medical system and to South Africa. Not only are they xenophobic, but they discriminate against South Africans who have studied outside this country.

I personally am friendly with a doctor from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who is 54 yrs old and has been in SA for six years. He has been totally ignored by the HPCSA. All his attempts at registration have been ignored.

It is time that we stand up and fight to correct this appalling situation.
Yours faithfully
Dr C H Hurwitz
MP 0114774


See also:


[link url=""]High Court raps HPCSA over 7-year delay in accepting top Swiss surgeon’s qualifications[/link]

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