Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeNews UpdateIFP demands that KZN institutes measures to protect under-fire paramedics

IFP demands that KZN institutes measures to protect under-fire paramedics

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in KwaZulu-Natal has challenged the KZN MEC for Health, Nomagugu Simelane-Zulu, to tell the public what plans are in place to keep paramedics safe, after a paramedic was shot and killed on Monday morning.

Writing in PoliticsWeb, Ncamisile Nkwanyana, IFP KZN provincial spokesperson for health, said it was time the MEC presented a plan, with tangible solutions, to protect paramedics, who have become soft targets for criminals.

“For the MEC to condemn the killing of Phumzile Dlamini, an intermediate life support paramedic, without any plans to protect other paramedics, is hypocritical and useless,” wrote Nkwanyana.

As reported in MedicalBrief last week, Dlamini was shot and killed and another paramedic seriously wounded when they responded to a callout after a shooting just outside Estcourt.

“The IFP expects the MEC to tell the public how she intends to address the attacks on, and murder of, paramedics,” added Nkwanyana. “

“Our paramedics cannot live in constant fear of being shot or attacked. No one can function in an environment of fear and intimidation, especially when they trying to save lives and bring relief to those in distress.

“These attacks on paramedics will also negatively affect those needing ambulances. We must never reach a point where certain regions become ‘no-goʼ areas for paramedics. This further proves that crime is rampant, and criminals do not fear being jailed. This is an indictment on the authorities responsible for keeping citizens safe, as criminals have shown them the middle finger. They have failed to eradicate guns in our society.

“The IFP calls upon KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala to intervene. He should be very concerned about these senseless attacks on paramedics, which are destabilising the provision of healthcare to those in need. He must treat the matter with the urgency it deserves.”


Politicsweb article – IFP demands plan to protect paramedics in KZN (Open access)


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