Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeCardiologyMajor study: Drinking less alcohol improves heart health

Major study: Drinking less alcohol improves heart health

Even among people who drink only light to moderate amounts of alcohol, reducing consumption can improve heart health, reduce body mass index and bring down blood pressure, reports [s]Medical News Today[/s]. The large multi-centre international study, which was co-led by the [b]Perelman School of Medicine[/b] at the [b]University of Pennsylvania[/b] and the [b]London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine[/b], calls into question previous research that suggests light to moderate drinking may be good for the heart. The report says the 155 researchers – from the [b]UK[/b], continental [b]Europe, North America[/b] and [b]Australia[/b] – pooled and analysed data about links between drinking habits and heart health from 56 epidemiological studies covering more than 260,000 people of European descent. The lower alcohol consumers typically had a 10% average reduced risk of coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure and a lower body mass index.

Juan Casas, a study author and professor of epidemiology, said in [s]The Telegraph[/s]: ‘We’ve often heard reports of the potential health benefits of light-to-moderate drinking. However, we now have evidence that some of these studies suffer from limitations that may affect their validity… In our study, we saw a link between reduced consumption of alcohol and improved cardiovascular health. Assuming the association is causal, it appears that even if you’re a light drinker, reducing alcohol consumption could be beneficial for your heart.’

[link url=]Full Medical News Today report[/link]
[link url=]BMJ abstract[/link]
[link url=]Full The Telegraph report[/link]

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