Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalMajor Zimbabwean union body challenges compulsory vaccinations

Major Zimbabwean union body challenges compulsory vaccinations

Zimbabwe's biggest workers’ union has taken the state and several firms to court for insisting that employees must be inoculated against COVID-19 before reporting for work, saying there is no law under the country's statutes providing for compulsory vaccination.

Fin24 reports that the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions is challenging Paul Mavima, who is the Public Service Labour & Social Welfare Minister; the Attorney-General and several state-linked firms, including fixed-line operator TelOne and the Zimbabwe National Road Administration, for “taking the law into their own hands” on employee vaccinations, according to court filings.

Zimnat Insurance, associated with South African insurance provider Sanlam, SeedCo Zimbabwe and Windmill are some of the firms also cited in the court filings dated 13 August. The union said “‘thousands of workers” were affected by their employer's decision to bar them from reporting for work and thousands more will be prejudiced.


Fin24 article – Zimbabwe union takes state, companies to court over forced shots (Open access)


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