Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomePeopleQuakers nominate Kenyan health worker for Nobel Peace Prize

Quakers nominate Kenyan health worker for Nobel Peace Prize

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Quaker Peace & Social Witness have nominated Kenyan national Miriam Were for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize. The organisations are seeking to draw attention to Were’s efforts in promoting trust between governments, health authorities, and the citizenry through culturally sensitive programmes.

“Dr Were has worked tirelessly for, and with clarity about, the many-layered complexity of health innovation among populations with limited access to health education and information,” said AFSC general secretary Joyce Ajlouny.

A report on the allAfrica site notes that Were has served as chief of health and nutrition for Unicef Ethiopia, a WHO representative and the UN Population Fund country support team for East and Central Africa and Anglophone West Africa. She is also founder of the Uzima Foundation, an NGO for youth-empowerment. She currently serves as chairperson of the National Aids Control Council Kenya.


allAfrica article – Africa: Quaker Group Nominates Kenyan Dr. Miriam Were for Nobel Peace Prize (Open Access)


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