Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeMedico-LegalUS court reverses order forcing hospital to treat patient with Ivermectin

US court reverses order forcing hospital to treat patient with Ivermectin

An Ohio, USA, judge has reversed a court order that forced a local hospital to treat a COVID-19 patient with the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin, reports The Guardian.

On Monday, Judge Michael Oster of Butler county issued an order that sided with West Chester Hospital, citing a lack of “convincing evidence” that the drug – used in small doses in humans against external parasites such as head lice, and in larger doses for animals including cows and horses – could significantly improve the patientʼs condition.

The patient, Jeffrey Smith, was admitted to ICU on 15 July. He has been on a ventilator since 1 August.

At a hearing on Thursday, Julie Smith, his wife, testified that neither she nor her husband was vaccinated against COVID-19. As his condition deteriorated, she contacted Fred Wagshul, a physician and founder member of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, a non-profit group promoting Ivermectin as a preventative treatment.

According to Osterʼs order, Wagshul, who does not have medical privileges at West Chester Hospital, prescribed 21 days of the medication without having seen Jeffrey Smith.

The hospital refused to administer the medication, citing lack of FDA approval, despite Julie Smithʼs request, adds The Guardian, so Smith filed a lawsuit in an attempt to force the hospital to give Ivermectin to her husband.

On 23 August, Judge Gregory Howard compelled West Chester Hospital to give Smith 30mg of Ivermectin daily for three weeks. Osterʼs order nullified the order issued by Howard.

“Judges are not doctors or nurses,” he wrote. “We have gavels, not needles, vaccines, or other medicines . . . This court is not determining if Ivermectin will ever be effective and useful as a treatment for COVID-19. However, based upon the evidence, it has not shown to be effective at this juncture … There can be no doubt the medical and scientific communities do not support Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.”


Ohio judge reverses court order forcing hospital to treat Covid patient with Ivermectin (Open access)


See more from MedicalBrief archives:


US judge rules COVID patient must get Ivermectin


Study supporting Ivermectin for COVID withdrawn over ethical concerns


Fact File: Making sense of the Ivermectin controversy


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