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HomeNeurologyGlobal analysis predicts 10m annual stroke deaths by 2050

Global analysis predicts 10m annual stroke deaths by 2050

A recently published report has suggested that by 2050, deaths from stroke could jump to 9.7m a year globally, a massive jump from 2020’s 6.6m deaths, said the researchers.

According to a statement on the new analysis (published in The Lancet Neurology), the cost associated with stroke in the US could more than double during this time frame.

In 2020, the US spent $891bn on treatments, rehabilitation and other costs associated with the condition, but by 2050, that figure could grow to $2.3trn.

The growing cost of strokes – in terms of human life and economic impact – needs to be tackled immediately, said Sheila Martins, PhD, a professor at the Universidade Federal of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and president of the World Stroke Organisation.

“The gaps in stroke services across the world are catastrophic. We need a drastic improvement today, not in 10 years.”

The World Stroke Organisation-Lancet Neurology Commission has outlined recommendations for preventing the estimated projections.

Chief among these is investing in stroke prevention, said Valery Feigin, professor at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand and co-chair of the commission.

“One of the most common problems in implementing stroke prevention and care recommendations is the lack of funding,” he added.

“Our Commission recommends introducing legislative regulations and taxations of unhealthy products (like salt, alcohol, sugary drinks, trans-fats) by each and every government in the world.”

Such taxation would not only reduce consumption of these products, he pointed out, “but also generate a large revenue sufficient to fund prevention programmes and services for stroke and other major disorders. as well as also reduce poverty, inequality in health service provision, and improve well-being of the population.”

The commission also recommended establishing surveillance systems that could “guide (stroke) prevention”; raising public health awareness of the dangers of stroke; and properly training and supporting community health workers so they can treat stroke.

“Implementing and monitoring all of the Commission’s recommendations, which have a firm evidence base, would lead to a drastic reduction in the global burden of stroke, thereby curbing its projected burden,” the statement said.

By investing in stroke prevention efforts, the public health and medical industries could help massive numbers of people across the globe, Feigin said.

“Stroke exerts an enormous toll on the world’s population, leading to the death and permanent disability of millions of people each year, and costing billions of dollars.

“Precisely forecasting the health and economic impacts of stroke decades into the future is inherently challenging given the levels of uncertainty involved, but these estimates are indicative of the ever-increasing burden we will see in the years ahead unless urgent, effective action is taken.”

The Lancet stroke article


The Lancet article – Pragmatic solutions to reduce the global burden of stroke: a World Stroke Organization–Lancet Neurology Commission (Open access)


The Lancet article – Balancing the scales of adversity: a socioecological approach to reducing the global burden of stroke and cardiovascular disease (Open access)


The Lancet article – Policy priorities for preventing stroke-related mortality and disability worldwide (Open access)

The Independent article – Stroke may cause 10 million deaths a year globally by 2050, new research finds (Open access)


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