Nine out of 37 public hospitals in Gauteng are still being run by acting bosses, with two of them having already gone 12 months without permanent CEOs, according to the DA.
Shadow health MEC Jack Bloom said Kopanong Hospital had been the longest without a permanent CEO since the contract of the previous incumbent expired in February last year, while South Rand Hospital was also without a permanent appointee, after the previous CEO’s contract expired in April 2022.
"It is essential that the best people are appointed speedily so that all hospitals have competent and honest CEOs, instead of cadre deployments whose incompetence causes suffering to patients,” he said, adding that the ombud’s recent report into Rahima Moosa Hospital “was critical of poor processes in appointing hospital CEOs”.
Hospitals in the province have recently seen two resignations and one retirement, with the CEOs from both Tembisa and Pretoria West hospitals being on suspension, reports TimesLIVE.
The hospitals without permanent CEOs are:
• Steve Biko Academic Hospital;
• Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Ga-Rankuwa;
• Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital;
• Kopanong Hospital;
• South Rand Hospital;
• Tara/Moross Hospital;
• Pretoria West Hospital;
• Tembisa Hospital; and
• Kalafong Hospital.
TimesLIVE article – Nine Gauteng hospitals without permanent CEOs, says DA (Open access)
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