Thursday, 2 May, 2024


Neurological injury biomarkers in acute COVID-19 normalise in the long term – Swedish study

The normalisation of central nervous system (CNS) injury biomarkers in all individuals, regardless of previous disease severity or persisting neurological symptoms, indicates that post...

Professional rugby players’ brains can be affected in single season

Just one season of professional rugby could cause a decline in a player’s blood flow to the brain and cognitive function, according to a...

Low-dose aspirin linked to lower dementia risk when started early — Large cohort study

Low dose acetylsalicylic acid (LDASA) may have some protective benefit against cognitive decline, but only if started well before symptoms begin, according to a...

Stroke survivors may halve all-cause mortality through physical activity

Stroke survivors who walk or garden at least three to four hours per week, or bike at least two to three hours per week,...

Some diabetes drugs may reduce the risk of Alzheimerʼs disease — Korea study

A Korean study has found that people taking certain drugs to lower blood sugar for type 2 diabetes had less amyloid in the brain,...

Severe traumatic brain injury: Don’t be too hasty in pulling the plug

Recent research adds to a body of evidence indicating decisions about withdrawing life-sustaining treatment for patients with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) should not...

Neurological injury biomarkers in acute COVID-19 normalise in the long term – Swedish study

The normalisation of central nervous system (CNS) injury biomarkers in all individuals, regardless of previous disease severity or persisting neurological symptoms, indicates that post...

Driving patterns identified by GPS can pinpoint early Alzheimer's Disease

Use of GPS to monitor subtle shifts in on-road behaviour can accurately distinguish cognitively normal older drivers with preclinical Alzheimer’s disease from those without...

Soccer: Defenders and outfielders have up to 5x greater dementia risk

The position played and career length have been identified as particular risk factors for UK footballers and their increased risks of dementia, according to...

Cognitively active lifestyle may delay onset of Alzheimer's dementia by five years

A cognitively active lifestyle — reading, writing letters and playing card games or puzzles — in old age (80+) may delay the onset of...

Vagus nerve stimulation: A potential new treatment for ischaemic stroke

Vagus nerve stimulation in patients who had moderate-to-severe loss of arm function after suffering from ischaemic stroke at least 9 months before enrolment, resulted...

Under 6 hours sleep a night associated with 30% higher dementia risk

Those who persistently slept six hours or less per night were roughly 30% more likely to develop dementia, compared to those with normal sleep...

Common Alzheimer's treatment linked to slower cognitive decline — 5-year Karolinska study

Cholinesterase inhibitors are a group of drugs recommended for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, but their effects on cognition have been debated and few...

Processed meat may be associated with increased dementia risk — UK analysis

Daily consumption of processed meat, the equivalent to one rasher of bacon, is associated with a 44% increased risk of developing dementia, according to...

Omega-3 based medicine plus statins may lower stroke risk another 36%

Taking the triglyceride-lowering prescription medicine icosapent ethyl cut the risk of stroke by an additional 36% in people at increased risk of cardiovascular disease...

Healthy plant-based diet associated with lower stroke risk – Nurses’ Health Study

People who eat diets with higher amounts of healthy plant-based foods and lower amounts of less-healthy plant-based foods may reduce their risk of stroke...

A two-week 'window of opportunity' for best recovery after stroke

The capacity of the human brain to recover and rewire itself peaks around two weeks after a stroke and diminishes over time, found a...

Reverse systolic BP dipping may be risk a factor for dementia — 24-year Swedish study

Reverse systolic BP dipping may represent an independent risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in older men, a 24-year longitudinal study from researchers...

Prostate drug associated with lower risk of Parkinson's — large international analysis

Taking a particular type of medication to treat an enlarged prostate is associated with a reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease, according to a...

US football: Best route to reduced concussion is in practice, not game play

US data point to the best opportunity to make the greatest overall reduction in concussion incidence and head impact exposure (HIE) in college football...

Visual dysfunction predicts Parkinson's-linked cognitive decline 18 months ahead

Simple vision tests can predict which people with Parkinson’s disease will develop cognitive impairment and possible dementia 18 months later, according to a study...

Association between arterial stiffening and brain function — Whitehall II cohort study

Targeting arterial stiffening earlier in a person’s lifespan could provide cognitive benefits in older age and may help to delay the onset of dementia....

A prognostic Alzheimer's disease blood test in the symptom-free stage — 6-year study

Using a blood test, a German-Dutch research team has predicted the risk of Alzheimer's disease in people who were clinically diagnosed as not having...

Oral rimegepant an effective preventive for migraine — clinical trial

Rimegepant was effective for preventive treatment of migraine, found a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2/3 trial, published in The Lancet. Migraine affects 15% of...

Concussion sufferers 'twice as likely' to develop brain diseases — App data

People with a history of concussion are more than twice as likely to develop a neurological disease, according to "the largest ever dataset on...

Repeated small blasts put military, law enforcement at risk of brain injury

Military and law-enforcement personnel repeatedly exposed to low-level blasts have significant brain changes – including an increased level of brain injury and inflammation –...

Apathy among older adults may signal higher dementia risk

Older adults with severe apathy, or lack of interest in usual activities, may have a greater chance of developing dementia than people with few...

Spinal cord stimulation reduces pain and motor symptoms in Parkinson's

A team of researchers in the US and Japan reports that spinal cord stimulation (SCS) measurably decreased pain and reduced motor symptoms of Parkinson’s...

Higher BP and diabetes in mid-life alter brain structure to slow cognition

In a large study, neuroscientists at Oxford University have found that raised blood pressure and diabetes in mid-life alter brain structure to slow thinking...

Impaired sleep linked to accumulation of Alzheimer's marker

A small study from the University of California-Berkeley matched the overnight sleep quality of healthy older adults against the build-up in their brains of...

Online calculator to predict ischaemic stroke risk

A large, longitudinal US study found that ischaemic stroke risk increased consistently with metabolic syndrome severity even in patients without diabetes, from which they developed...

World Trade Centre responders are at risk for dementia

Two studies led by Stony Brook University researchers presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference, indicate that World Trade Centre (WTC) first responders are...

Baby boomers show concerning decline in cognitive functioning

In a reversal of trends, American baby boomers scored lower on a test of cognitive functioning than did members of previous generations, according to...

Four in 10 dementia cases could be prevented or delayed — Lancet Commission

Modifying 12 risk factors from childhood to late life could delay or prevent 40% of dementia cases, according to a Lancet Commission analysis of...

New blood test shows 'remarkable' promise in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's

A new blood test demonstrated remarkable promise in discriminating between persons with and without Alzheimer's disease and in persons at known genetic risk may...

Flu and pneumonia vaccinations may reduce Alzheimer's risk

Flu and pneumonia vaccinations are associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease, according to research reported at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® (AAIC®) 2020. The...

Later link of repetitive head impacts to depression and cognition

In the largest study of its kind, an association has been found in living patients exposed to repetitive head impacts and difficulties with cognitive...

Disrupted circadian rhythm associated with later Parkinson's

Older men who have a weak or irregular circadian rhythm guiding their daily cycles of rest and activity are more likely to later develop...

Abnormal stroke-related brain blood vessels linked to gut bacteria

In a nationwide study, National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded researchers found that the presence of abnormal bundles of brittle blood vessels in the brain...

Median nerve stimulation gives treatment hope for Tourette Syndrome

Scientists from the University of Nottingham's School of Psychology and School of Medicine used repetitive trains of stimulation to the median nerve (MNS) at...