Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeQuick diagnoses

Quick diagnoses

Depressed South Africans

South Africans are an unhappy bunch, according to Mediscor. The Times reports that the company, which helps manage medicine claims for 50 medical aids,...

Plain packets for cigarettes

SA aims to force cigarette companies to sell products in plain packets by 2015. SA, New Zealand, France, India and Britain are all considering...

Indian encephalitis deaths

Almost 570 people in India have died after contracting encephalitis, commonly known as ‘brain fever’. Outbreaks of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome and Japanese Encephalitis are...

MERS in the air

Genetic fragments of the deadly MERS virus were detected in the air of a barn where an infected camel was kept. Health24 reports t hat...

Light affects cancer drugs

Even low levels of light in bedrooms may stop breast cancer drugs from working, US researchers have warned. Animal tests showed light, equivalent to...

Testing for thyroid cancer

The routine use of a molecular testing panel developed at University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre (UPMC) greatly increases the likelihood of performing the correct...

‘No benefit’ from injection

A daily injection to the belly commonly prescribed for pregnant women at risk of developing blood clots has been found to be ineffective. As...

Laureate has a cancer beef

The Nobel Laureate who proved that human papilloma virus causes cervical cancer has a new theory – that eating beef can cause colon cancer....

New IVF procedure

Doctors in London have reported the first pregnancy in Europe from a new IVF procedure that checks embryos for genetic disorders before they are...

Antibiotics as placebo

Family doctors are needlessly doling out antibiotics to ‘placate’ patients, according to a report by the UK’s Commons Science and Technology Committee. The committee...

Ventilation strategies for abdominal surgery

A multi-centre study at 30 centres across Europe, North and South America has investigated various ventilation strategies currently used during anaesthesia given for surgical...

Menopause diagnosis kit

A free and simple toolkit for GPs could revolutionise menopause diagnosis and treatment. Created at Monash University, the world’s first toolkit is designed for...

Pelvic risk for female triathletes

Female triathletes are at risk for pelvic floor disorders, decreased energy, menstrual irregularities and abnormal bone density, according to searchers at Loyola University Health...

Jhb ‘answer’ on migraines

A Johannesburg doctor believes he may have found the answer to the most extreme cases of migraine. Though ‘hesitant’ to claim it is a...

More Mers-coronavirus deaths

More than 100 more cases and 34 deaths from the new respiratory disease Mers-coronavirus have been reported by officials in Saudi Arabia. The cases...

Ebola spread warning

West African nations neighbouring those hit by the Ebola epidemic – Mali, Cote D’Ivoire, Senegal and Guinea Bissau – should prepare for the possible...

Anti-tobacco graphics

Indonesia has become the newest country to mandate graphic photo warnings on cigarette packs, joining more than 40 other nations or territories that have...

Lidocaine for teething

The US Food and Drug Administration has warned against using a lidocaine solution as a pain reliever on teething babies’ gums, saying it can...

BAHA hearing implant

A revolutionary magnetic implant has restored the hearing of a young actor who went deaf in one ear at the age of 17. The...

Robotic braces

US health regulators have approved a first-of-a-kind set of robotic leg braces that can help some disabled people walk again. The ReWalk system functions...

Organ preservation

A new technique can preserve organs for days before transplanting them, US researchers claim. Tests on animals showed supercooled livers remained viable for three...

Older donors

Women should not worry about using sperm from older donors as the success rate is the same as using a younger man’s sperm, says...

X-ray crystallography

An international team of experts from Bilbao, California and Liverpool has unravelled the mechanism by which two proteins, namely MAT alpha 2 and MAT...

JSE to investigate Aspen

The JSE will investigate Aspen Pharmacare Holdings after shares in the continent’s largest generic drugmaker fell the most in five years after a conference...

Fasciitis after dentistry

An 18-year-old student was killed by a flesh-eating bacterium contracted following a routine dental procedure, a medical examiner in the US has ruled. Benjamin...

Schistosomiasis evidence

The discovery of a schistosomiasis parasite egg in a 6,200-year-old grave in Syria may be the earliest evidence that agricultural irrigation systems in the...

Wits admission changes

Wits University has revised its admissions policy for all Health Sciences programmes. For the medical degree 40% of the places will be offered to...

Pharma partnerships

Drugmakers are linking with eight UK universities in a £16m public-private partnership to speed up research into dementia by studying data from 2m people...

FGM half-life is 60 years

Female g enital mutilation (FGM) is a means for men to maintain control of women and must be eradicated. UN human rights chief and...

Mental health concerns

A group of leading mental health experts in the UK has called for researchers to abandon a £1m project that would involve administering a...

Uruguay legalises cannabis

Uruguay, which recently passed a law making it the first country to legalise the production and sale of cannabis, will also allow doctors to...

Medical Pot Bill

The state of New York has agreed to legalise certain forms of marijuana for patients with a limited range of diseases, capping two decades...

Bird flu ‘danger zones’

The ‘danger zones’ in Asia, which are vulnerable to a deadly bird flu, have been mapped by scientists. The study showed parts of Bangladesh,...

UK death stats moribund

Official statistics on deaths in England and Wales are as much as two and half years out of date, a coalition of doctors, scientists...

US system ‘underperforms’

According to a new performance analysis conducted by the Commonwealth Fund, the US health care system consistently underperforms, despite being the most expensive in...

Testosterone supplements

The growing unease around the safety of testosterone supplements has been highlighted by a US Food and Drug Administration announcement that the products must...

Rise in suicides

The economic crisis in Europe and North America led to more than 10,000 extra suicides, reports BBC News. Some suicides may have been avoidable,...

Tomato pill study heartening

Taking a tomato pill a day could help keep heart disease at bay, say UK scientists who have carried out a ‘small but robust’...

Bedaquiline approval?

A new drug, bedaquiline that will help treat drug-resistant TB, isexpected to be approved for use by the SA Medicines Control Council soon. This...

Cystic fibrosis hopes

A ‘breakthrough’ medication derived from Norwegian seaweed may be an effective treatment for killer genetic disease cystic fibrosis, adding to an armoury of drugs...