Saturday, 27 July, 2024


Undiagnosed diabetes cases highest in Gauteng – SA analysis

The growing burden of diabetes has long been under the radar in developing countries such as South Africa, which in recent years, has seen...

Weight loss jab slices type 2 diabetes risk by 60% in obese people

Semaglutide can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes for overweight or obese people by a notable 60%, underscoring the tight link between...

Worldwide type 1 diabetes cases expected to double by 2040 – Australian study

The number of people living with type 1 diabetes worldwide is expected to double by 2040, with most new cases among adults living in...

Keto vs Mediterranean diet and diabetes – Stanford randomised trial

Both the ketogenic and Mediterranean diets successfully cut blood sugar levels in patients with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, according to a small randomised...

Whey protein helps control blood sugar – Newcastle University study

Drinking a small amount of whey protein before meals has been shown to help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugars. In a...

Lifestyle changes effective in high-risk pre-diabetes

Intensive lifestyle intervention with plenty of exercise helps people with pre-diabetes improve their blood glucose levels over a period of years and thus delay...

American Diabetes Association updates its Standards of Medical Care for 2022

The American Diabetes Association updated its Standards of Medical Care supplement in December, to provide clinicians, researchers, policy makers, and other interested individuals with the...

Statin therapy associated with diabetes progression — US cohort study

Statin use has been associated with increased likelihood of diabetes progression, according to a matched cohort analysis of data from the US Department of...

Achieving type 2 diabetes remission outside of trials and without bariatric surgery

One in every 20 people in Scotland diagnosed with type 2 diabetes achieves remission from the disease, suggesting people are achieving remission outside research...

Proposed paradigm shift in type 2 diabetes treatment to focus on weight loss

In a review article in The Lancet and presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes conference, researchers unpack the evidence supporting...

Oxygen releasing hydrogel shows promise for diabetic wounds

A newly developed hydrogel delivers oxygen to diabetic-type wounds, decreasing inflammation, helping remodelling tissue and accelerating healing, found a US animal study in Science...

Continuous glucose monitoring improves glycaemic control versus finger-prick

Continuous glucose monitoring substantially improves blood sugars levels and decreasing the risks of hypoglycaemia compared with the usual finger-prick, found a US study. 15-centre study...

Fruit but not fruit juice to lower type 2 diabetes risk — AusDiab study

People who consume two servings of fruit per day have 36% lower odds of developing type 2 diabetes than those who consume less than...

Stringent diet puts diabetes into remission and cuts need for BP medication

Achieving and maintaining substantial weight loss allowed 8 out of 10 people remission from type 2 diabetes, as well as lowering blood pressure and...

New drug weekly as safe and efficacious as insulin daily — NRI diabetes trial

A new once-weekly basal insulin injection demonstrated similar efficacy and safety and a lower rate of low blood sugar episodes compared with a daily...

Maintenance semaglutide injections led to continued weight loss — STEP 4

Sticking with weekly semaglutide injections resulted in continued weight loss for adults with overweight and obesity, according to the Semaglutide Treatment Effect in People...

STEP 2 trial: Semaglutide hope for patients with type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes patients treated with the new drug Semaglutide achieved an average weight loss of nearly 10kg and a significant improvement in blood...

Obesity contributes to up to half of new diabetes cases annually in the US

Reducing the prevalence of obesity may prevent up to half of new type 2 diabetes cases in the US, according to data from used...

Metabolic surgery versus conventional therapy for type 2 diabetes — 10-year trial

A 10-year UK-Italian randomised clinical trial, published in The Lancet, showed that metabolic surgery is more effective than medications and lifestyle interventions in the...

Study contradicts earlier findings on saccharin-for-sugar substitution and diabetes

For those trying to live a healthy lifestyle, the choice between sugar and artificial sweeteners such as saccharin can be confusing. A new study...

Novel weekly dose of insulin as effective as daily for type 2 diabetes

A phase 2 trial reported in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a once-a-week insulin injection called icodec led to a...

A few kilograms' weight loss nearly halves the risk of diabetes — large UK clinical trial

Losing a few kilograms in weight almost halves people’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes – according to a large scale research study led...

Additive effects of green tea and coffee on mortality risk in type 2 diabetes patients

Green tea and coffee consumption is linked to a lower risk of dying from any cause among people with type 2 diabetes, suggests a...

Pre-bariatric surgery diet, not bypass, explains metabolic effect

A Swedish study of individuals who underwent a six-week low-calorie diet followed by a bariatric operation found that improvements in several health markers were an...

Cinnamon may improve blood sugar control in pre-diabetics — Clinical trial

In individuals with prediabetes, 12 weeks of cinnamon supplementation improved blood sugar control, found a small, randomised international clinical trial. The study, by researchers at...

Obesity increases type 2 diabetes risk six-fold, regardless of genetics

Obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by at least 6 times, regardless of genetic predisposition to the disease, concludes research. The...

Evaluating grip strength as a screening tool to identify risk of early diabetes

Muscular weakness is known to be associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in otherwise seemingly healthy adults, however previous research had not found...

Fat mass index, not BMI, associated with CVD events in people with diabetes

In people with diabetes, fat mass index, not body mass index (BMI), is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular events, according to data...

Wearable sensor provides minimally invasive glucose monitoring

Abbott has developed wearable sensor, used in conjunction with a smartphone, to to get a real-time glucose measurement, as well as trends, simply...

For patients with diabetes, ticagrelor reduced heart attacks, strokes

In late-breaking clinical trial results presented in a Hot Line Session at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2019, investigators from Brigham and Women's...

Omega-3 fats have little or no effect on type 2 diabetes — meta-analysis

Type 2 diabetes is a leading cause of illness and death, with annual costs estimated at over $800bn worldwide. The rise in type 2...

Study contradicts belief that glucose drives inflammation in type-2 diabetes

To date, the underlying causes of inflammation in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been poorly understood, which has hampered efforts to...

Reduced carbs help type 2 diabetics regulate blood sugar levels

Patients with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to regulate blood sugar levels if they eat food with a reduced carbohydrate content and an...

Undetected diabetes link to heart attack risk and periodontitis

People with undetected glucose disorders run a higher risk of both myocardial infarction and periodontitis, according to a study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet...

In milestone trial, experimental drug markedly delays type 1 diabetes

Marking the culmination of a 33-year odyssey, scientists report a milestone in type 1 diabetes: the first time the disease has been markedly delayed...

A1c test 'highly unreliable' at diagnosing diabetes

The haemoglobin A1c blood test is 'highly unreliable' at diagnosing diabetes and tends to underestimate the prevalence of the disease, according to a study...

Losing weight helps decrease the incidence of migraines

For migraine sufferers with obesity, losing weight can decrease headaches and improve quality of life, researchers from Italy and the US report. The results...

Eating later could contribute to weight gain

Eating later in the day may contribute to weight gain, according to a study presented at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in...

Pre-diabetes: A boon for pharma but is it good medicine?

Labelling people as having pre-diabetes could do more harm than good, experts have said, as research reveals that even some of those involved in...

New screening method to detect future type-1 diabetes risk

A new way of screening babies and adults for future risk of type 1 diabetes will be much more effective at identifying the condition...