Saturday, 27 July, 2024


Major gaps in education and support for women with PCOS

Despite the prevalence of the complex and chronic condition, one-third of women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)  saw at least three health professionals over...

Heart rate link to diabetes risk

An association between resting heart rate and diabetes suggests that heart rate measures could identify individuals with a higher future risk of diabetes, according to a large international study.

BP drugs effective in end-stage kidney disease

Blood pressure lowering drugs do not improve life expectancy among adults with diabetes and kidney disease. However, the study, which brings together 157 studies involving more than 43,000 adults, shows that angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARB) treatments, are the most effective drug regimen for preventing end-stage kidney disease

Gastric bypass: Better control, worse infection

Two years after surgery, people who had a gastric bypass have better control of their type 2 diabetes, but also had higher risk of infections and bone fractures.

Study finds diabetes/statin link

In a database study of nearly 26,000, those taking statin drugs to control their cholesterol were 87% more likely to develop diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes study shows 'obesity paradox'

A study has found that patients with type 2 diabetes who are overweight but not obese live longer than those who are underweight or normal-weight.

Maternal obesity increases type 1 diabetes risk

A study of more than 1.2m children in Sweden has concluded that maternal overweight and obesity increases the risk of the child developing type 1 diabetes when neither parent has diabetes.

No sugar in drinks cuts type 2 diabetes risk

Forgoing a daily sugary drink and drinking water or unsweetened tea or coffee instead could cut the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to a quarter, according to Cambridge University research.

Resistance to prescribing cheap diabetes drug

Few doctors are prescribing metformin, a low-cost drug that has been proven effective in preventing the onset of diabetes, according to a University of California study.

Loss of glycaemic control when quitting smoking

Sufferers of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) who quit smoking are likely to see a temporary deterioration in their glycaemic control which could last up to three years.

Steroids: 'Substantial' risk of adrenal malfunction

After stopping steroids commonly prescribed for asthma and allergies, a significant number of people may experience signs of malfunctioning in the adrenal glands, a European study finds.

Oral insulin sparks immune response

Children at risk for Type 1 diabetes, who were given daily doses of oral insulin, developed a protective immune response to the disease, found a pilot study carried out in the US, Germany, Austria and the UK.

Heart failure risk with diabetes medication

A study examining clinical trials of more than 95,000 patients has found that glucose or sugar-lowering medications prescribed to patients with diabetes may pose an increased risk of heart failure in these patients.

Obesity with pregnancy up diabetes risk

In women who have developed gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, being obese before the pregnancy and putting on more weight after it, massively increases the risk of later developing type 2 diabetes

High levels of vitamin D link to stroke

University of Copenhagen research reveals, for the first time, that too high levels of vitamin D in the blood is connected to an increased risk of dying from a stroke or a coronary.

High-energy start for diabetics

A small study shows that, in people with type 2 diabetes, those who consume a high-energy breakfast and a low-energy dinner have better blood sugar control than those who eat a low-energy breakfast and a high-energy dinner.

Lowering BP improves diabetic mortality

Blood pressure-lowering treatment among patients with type-2 diabetes is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and heart disease events and improved mortality, says a University of Oxford study.

A nap restores the immunity markers

A 30-minute nap can restore the biomarkers of immune health to normal levels, reversing the hormonal impact of a night of poor sleep, according to a Université Paris study.

Type-2 link with worse cognitive performance

Type-2 diabetes is associated with worse performance on cognitive tests measuring abilities involved in the control of emotions, behaviours and thought, says a University of Waterloo study.

CEPAC guidelines on type-2 diabetes

The Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council (CEPAC) has released a final evidence report on the effectiveness and value of add-on use of certain medications and treatment options in type-2 diabetes management.

Women with type-1 at higher heart risk

A University of Queensland meta-analysis involving more than 200,000 participants has found that women with type 1 diabetes have more than twice the risk of dying from heart disease compared with men who have the condition.

Guidelines on added sugars 'need revision'

Clinical experts propose drastic cuts to current dietary guidelines that allow up to 25% of total daily calories as added sugars. This follows research showing that added sugars, particularly those containing fructose, are a principal driver of diabetes and pre-diabetes, even more so than other carbohydrates.

Antioxidant could reverse brain inflammation

Using an antioxidant to reverse inflammation in the brain caused by a high-fat diet greatly improves symptoms related to obesity and type 2 diabetes, a University of Otago-led study suggests.

How the brain senses low glucose levels

UK and  University of Michigan research has advanced the understanding how the brain senses low glucose levels and triggers the body's response, with implications for diabetes control.

Hot flashes linked to lower bone density

The first large study on menopausal symptoms and bone health in post-menopausal women found that those who had moderate to severe hot flashes and night sweats  tend to have lower bone mineral density and higher rates of hip fracture than peers with no menopausal symptoms.

Obesity drug prescription guidelines issued

The US Endocrine Society has issued a Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) on strategies for prescribing drugs to manage obesity and promote weight loss.

Obesity not always linked to metabolic change

Research demonstrates that obesity does not always go hand in hand with metabolic changes in the body that can lead to diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Low birth weight and diabetes risk

A new study confirms that people with low birth weight face an increased risk for type 2 diabetes as adults. The study also shows the relative predictive value of different biomarkers.

Study confirms pumps enhance insulin absorption

A new study suggests that insulin pumps may be more effective than daily insulin injections for controlling blood sugar levels. Medical News Today reports...

Experiment shows new way forward in treating diabetes

Scientists have converted human gut cells into insulin producers by turning off one gene in an experiment that suggests a new way forward in...

Prevention of early onset insulin resistance key to treating diabetes

One way of reducing the alarming levels of diabetes, especially in developing countries like SA, is to prevent the early onset of insulin resistance...

Coffee drinking lowers risk of diabetes

Drinking more coffee may slightly reduce your risk of diabetes, and people who drink three or more cups appear to be at the lowest...

Study shows progress in fight against diabetes

US government researchers have reported the first broad national picture of progress against some of the most devastating complications of diabetes, finding that rates...

Abdominal fat ‘better than BMI’ as measure of type 2 diabetes risk

Men who measure more than 102cm around the middle – and not below the belly – are five times more likely to be diagnosed...

Enzyme found that senses and controls levels of glucose in blood

An enzyme in the brain plays a key role in sensing and controlling levels of glucose in the blood – the underlying mechanism that...

Tree nuts found to stabilise blood sugar levels

Eating tree nuts appears to help lower and stabilise blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, a new study has found. Science...

Oxytocin could help anorexics

A hormone released during childbirth and sex could be used as a treatment for the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, reports BBC News. Small studies...