Saturday, 27 July, 2024
HomeSleep Medicine

Sleep Medicine

Active lifestyle may help protect against obstructive sleep apnea

Maintaining an active lifestyle may help protect against obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), according to research that found higher levels of physical activity and fewer...

Sleep meds make no difference to insomnia over the long term

Long term use of prescription meds for insomnia doesn't seem to improve disturbed sleep in middle-aged women, found a study conducted over 21 years,...

Poor sleep linked with unsatisfactory sex life in women

Consistently getting a bad night's sleep may lead to an unsatisfactory sex life for many older women. In fact, women who slept poorly were...

Afternoon napping linked to improved cognitive function in older people

Taking a regular afternoon nap may be linked to better mental agility, suggests researchers at The Fourth People's Hospital of Wuhu, Shanghai Mental Health...

New US clinical practice guidelines on treatment of chronic insomnia disorder

The guideline includes one strong recommendation - which is one that clinicians should follow under most circumstances - for the use of cognitive behavioural...

Weighted blankets can decrease insomnia severity – Karolinska Institutet

Weighted blankets are a safe and effective intervention in the treatment of insomnia, according to a randomised, controlled Swedish study among insomnia researchers patients with psychiatric...

Refined carbs may trigger insomnia, finds study into post-menopausal women

A study has found that post-menopausal women who consumed a diet high in refined carbohydrates – particularly added sugars – were more likely to...

Traits that define device treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea

Certain traits may define a type of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) that can be effectively treated with an oral appliance, rather than continuous positive...

Sleep-disordered breathing linked to accelerated ageing

Increasing severity of sleep-disordered breathing and sleep disruption are associated with epigenetic age acceleration, according to preliminary results of a US study. Results show...

Sleep catch-up does not reverse metabolic disruption from sleep loss

Weekend recovery or catch-up sleep does not appear to be an effective countermeasure strategy to reverse sleep loss induced disruptions of metabolism, found a...

Sleep disturbances increase risk of falls in the elderly

Disturbances during sleep decreases capability to control posture and balance according to researchers from the department of engineering and Warwick Medical School at the...

Regular sleep patterns as important as sufficient sleep

Sufficient sleep has been proven to help keep the body healthy and the mind sharp. But it's not just an issue of logging at...

SA psychiatrist's insomnia therapy hailed in the UK

We are living through an epidemic of sleeplessness, but the medical establishment has largely ignored the problem, reports The Guardian. A radical new therapy...

Over-sleeping linked with up to 30% higher mortality risk

A UK research review has found that people who sleep for more than eight hours a night have a greater mortality and cardiovascular risk...

Short and long sleep durations linked with metabolic syndrome

Fewer than six and more than 10 hours of sleep per day are associated with metabolic syndrome and its individual components, according to a...

Sleep duration as risk factors for dementia and premature death

Short and long daily sleep duration were risk factors for dementia and premature death in a study of Japanese adults aged 60 years and...

AASM position statement on medical cannabis and obstructive sleep apnoea

Medical cannabis and synthetic marijuana extracts should not be used for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea, according to a position statement from the...

Tinted glasses may help the tech-obsessed get better sleep

For the tech-obsessed who use their smartphones, laptops and tablets right before bedtime, a small Columbia University study suggests that inexpensive amber-tinted glasses might...

Cannabis-like drug effective in treating sleep apnoea

A synthetic cannabis-like drug in a pill was safe and effective in treating obstructive sleep apnoea in the first large multi-site study of a...

Techniques shown to increase chances of having lucid dreams

Research at the University of Adelaide has found that a specific combination of techniques will increase people's chances of having lucid dreams, in which...

Link between sleep duration and sperm health

A Chinese study has found a link between sleep duration and a measure of chromosomal health in sperm. In the study of 2,020 semen samples...

Air pollution might be linked to poor sleep

Air pollution might be linked to poor sleep, with those who were exposed to the highest levels of air pollution over five years more...

Deep sleep may act as fountain of youth in old age

A University of California research review argues that the unmet sleep needs of the elderly elevate their risk of memory loss and a wide range...

Yoga nor aerobics helping menopausal women to sleep

A University of Washington study indicates that yoga and aerobic exercise interventions did not significantly reduce objectively measured sleep disturbances among midlife women who...

Oropharyngeal exercises help snorers

A Brazilian study found that in patients with primary snoring or mild obstructive sleep apnea, mouth and tongue exercises reduced frequency of snoring by 36% and total power of snoring by 59%.

Bedtime routine 'makes a difference'

A multinational study suggests that having a regular bedtime routine is associated with better sleep in young children up to 6-years of age.

Insomnia linked to increased risk of death

Data from a US study which began in 1972 shows that chronic insomnia was associated with higher levels of inflammation in the blood and a 58% increased risk of death. Separately, University of Cambridge researchers found that people who sleep for more than eight hours a day have an increased risk of stroke.

A nap restores the immunity markers

A 30-minute nap can restore the biomarkers of immune health to normal levels, reversing the hormonal impact of a night of poor sleep, according to a Université Paris study.

Sleep deprivation makes us reach for fat

A Penn Medicine study found that not only do we consume more food following a night of total sleep deprivation, but we also we consume more fat and less carbohydrates.

Cannabis confounds narcolepsy results

A Nationwide Children's Hospital study found 10% of adolescents sent to a sleep centre for evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness with testing results consistent with narcolepsy had urine drug screens positive for cannabis, confounding the results.

Sleep well when you're young

A US research review of 200 studies indicates that young and middle-aged participants tend to get more sleep and better quality sleep than older adults, and this appears to benefit their cognitive functioning later in life.

Alcohol leads to disturbed sleep

Australian researchers report that pre-sleep drinking an increase in frontal alpha power, thought to reflect disturbed sleep, which may be masked by an initial increase in beneficial Slow Wave Sleep.

Vigorous exercise before bed could lead to better sleep

Young adults who exercised vigorously before bed ended up getting better sleep than their peers who reported less strenuous evening activity, a new study...

Sleep disturbance linked with risk of Alzheimer’s

Sleep disturbances such as apnoea may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, while moderate exercise in middle age and mentally stimulating games, such as...

Interrupted sleep as detrimental as no sleep

In the first study of its kind, Professor Avi Sadeh and a team of researchers from Tel Aviv University’s School of Psychological Sciences have...